Sunday, May 19, 2019

Athlete's Foot Begone

What's itchy, uncomfortable, and resides between your toes? Foot Fungus! Well maybe not YOUR toes but, if you are suffering from a burn in-between your tootsies, I have three solutions for you!
In this AP I will be discussing different treatments for Athlete's foot. Before we get into it I will tell you about this unit in my STEAM class Cure. This unit we discussed treatments vs cures, drugs vs medicaments, and the lock and key system that some medicaments use. Lost? Well let me explain, when something painful happens like a headache, pain receptors are fired and it makes your body produce a chemical called Arachidonic Acid and enzymes in your body convert that chemical into different chemicals that produces inflammation. Painkillers like Ibuprofen block the enzymes so that the chemicals can't get into the active sites. Whew, that was a lot right? Try taking a test on it! 

 All in all I really enjoyed this action project because of the art element that was incorporated into it. I really enjoy lettering and like to use it in action projects whenever I can. I would say this is one of my favorite action projects that I've done in STEAM. One of the elements that I'm most proud of is the images that went into my slides.

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 Hello and welcome to my final action project for my STEAM class Frontiers. In this action project, we were asked to create a conference pos...